Sunday, March 10, 2013

DAY 3: walker walk and a smile!

So as the day progressed, Wynter kept throwing up-she was still dosed pretty heavy on meds but the PT did come in and bring her a walker (still don't have the chair we need though) which you see her trying out in these pics. She didnt want to use it at first- she kept taking her hands off- but she cant even sit or stand with out help, so its a lot of back work for me- especially since she weights about 55 lbs in this thing- and as of now is mostly dead weight with wires and tubes.  He lung Xray today showed that her lungs were too wet, so they gave her a medication that pulls fluid off the lungs- DOWNSIDE is that it makes you pee an ocean every 5 minutes- meaning, we had to change bed sheets, her, hip dressing etc. a few times, plus get her up to go potty on the potty almost every ten minutes for several hours there. The suppository did get things flowing on the back end of things- so there is an interesting praise report :) By 8pm- they said Wynter could leave the IUC and go down to the PACU floor!! yeah! The heart monitors came off, and one IV went bad:( SO she is down to the cervical drain in her head, 2 IV's, O2 monitor, and O2 mask. YEAH! PROGRESS! When we got downstairs, they finally "caved" and took my word for it that she cant keep water down on an acidic/ bile full stomach and that she needed something to absorb all that so she COULD keep something down, That Wynter wont eat or drink if she doesnt "feel" like she can...  So - I waited till they started her zofran drip (anti nausea) and gave her very small bites of pretzels, then they offered her ice cream (which she wanted- she did NOT want the fluids they offered her earlier)- then an hour later she was still asking- so they gave me permission to give her pretzels, so I gave her a few more- than a second ice cream- SHE WAS A DIFFERENT kid!!! She looked great, started smiling, was awake- waked with her walker to the playroom and back- and wanted a dress on- THEN she even looked at herself in the mirror without fear! THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR PRAYERS!!! Pray for a calm stomach and calm night and that the worst is over!!! 

1 comment:

  1. So glad to hear Miss Wynter has turned the corner! Things get so much better when they do. I think Axel was ready to leave the hospital before I was ready to be responsible for all the halo care! LOL
