Monday, March 11, 2013


Monday, day 4: Wynter had a good night despite O2 dropping a few times.  Our morning started around 5:30 and the wonderful world renown neurosurgeon Dr. Samdani :) who performed Wynter's surgery came in around 8am. He said he could not possibly be more pleased with how everything looked and said that she was really doing very well. He wasnt here this weekend- but upon his arrival today-gave the staff approval to follow my lead and let her get back to a normal routine, off stuff as she tolerated, and get her up and moving! He is truly a very gifted surgeon and the most passionate Dr I have ever met, re his patients INDIVIDUAL needs! Wynter was weaned off morphine today and is on Oxycotton now. She is drinking and peeing well (although we are still subbing with IV fluids) - she is taking oral meds, still on zofran ( an anti nausea med) but we have not had a BM today- praying for one tomorrow! She had an exciting day because dad and zac arrived to see her- she was SO happy to see them both- hugged and hugged them, wanted their full attention for hours! She gave zac such a big hug- he felt the pain of the screws! He is being very sweet- but I can tell he is struggling a bit- he doesnt like seeing her like this. She wore some clothes, played with toys, AND RODE A BIKE!!!! The freedom concept bike is the bike that I have desperately been wanting for her- and you will know why as you watch the posted video! The physical therapist saw her today, got her the right walker, and the right wheelchair- both good things. Tomorrow they are going to help us figure out the car seat buckles. Dr. Samdani also said that her bone quality was excellent, and maybe she wont have to wear the halo for the full three months- he will let us know when we leave- what his potential plans are for a removal return date. Thank you all for your prayers- hopefully things will become a little less exciting as she improves. The plan is to be in the hospital till the end of the week- then close by for another week then to be home on the 22nd. Love and Blessings to you all!

1 comment:

  1. I am just amazed at the awesome progress Wynter is making! In fact, I cannot believe the princess is already out of bed let alone riding a bike! What a rock star. Her incision looks good. I am happy that her dad and brother are there now. Good to have the family together :-) Thank you for keeping all of us posted. I have been praying nightly for Wynter, you, the family, and the medical team.
