Monday, April 15, 2013

DAY 40- Update from Philadelphia... post the unspeakable

Wynter and I had a very long 13 hour travel day yesterday, bit after going through a scary, bumpy storm, we made it to Philadelphia safely. Thank you all for the prayers. We met with Dr. Samdani, Wynter's neurosurgeon; the plastic surgeon; orthopedic surgeon; orthotics twice and had 2 sets of X-rays done.

Cervical spine: Wynter's internal hardware is stable- PRAISE GOD! Challenge: her neck needs to remain completely immobile for quite a long period of time still - to allow full healing to the bones and hardware. So, as you can see in the picture below, she is in a vest/ collar to stabilize that has been reinforced in the back to help keep her stable- if it doesnt work well enough- then we will have to order and get re-fitted for the one in the black and white photo (bottom R corner). So we appreciate the continued prayer for safe/ good/ complete healing to the fusion.
Head wounds/ screws: The surgeons were amazed at the great wound care that she had been receiving, and that coupled with the infection clearing up- he lightened her daily care regimen to those areas. YEA!!!! He wants to have weekly picture emails so that he can monitor her healing, and said that after her healing is compete- we can discuss plastic surgery at that time. The skull fractures from the screws being violently pulled out- will heal with time.
Head tilt/ eye and ear pain/ balance off: They are optimistic that these issues were caused by the infections and trauma, believing that they will subside with time, but requested that we monitor all these little issues to monitor as they would prefer to error on the side of caution.
Knee: The X-rays of Wynter's knee looked okay. At some point when she requires sedation for something, we will try to MRI her knee to check for any tears- and just monitor her in the meanwhile and see if the problem/ pain persists.
Additional X-rays: Praying that we will have an UNEVENTFUL 6 weeks until Xrays need to be repeated!
Again, Thank you all for ... EVERYTHING!!!

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